Quantum Healing Lounge

True Healing Starts Within
The Synchronicity Wave System® is a color energy wave projection technology that helps restore the body’s natural bio-field through a projection screen that emits magnified spectral light frequencies via mathematical patterns found in nature derived from sacred geometry.
“What we perceive as light is actually a form of energy that behaves like a wave and also a stream of particles called photons. Photons behave differently from conventional particles: they have no mass and are not limited to a specific volume in space or time.” Since the photons of all possible electromagnetic spectrum frequencies differ, they produce different effects on humans. The electromagnetic spectrum consists of the colors we see in a rainbow ranging from reds/oranges to blues/violets. Think of light shining through a prism.
Unlike conventional medicines and treatments, the light energy frequencies emitted by the system can penetrate deep into the tissue, activating the bio-dynamic potential within each cell of the body. As a result, people experience profound positive physical, mental, and emotional changes while just sitting in the projection matrix of the system. Using color and light as an information carriers, the Synchronicity Wave System, like a tuning fork, synchronizes cellular function by communicating to the cells the mathematical values encoded in all energy and matter, thus modulating and enhancing cellular communication and function. YOU MUST EXPERIENCE IT TO FEEL IT.
When the energy projected by the Synchronicity Wave System® penetrates the body, it communicates the encoded algorithmic, geometric information. The potential result is raising the body’s electrical potential to increase cell conductivity. Drs. Kaufmann and Vega have measured and documented this in their clinics with bloodwork such as darkfield microscopy, Biological Terrain Assessment, and EAV testing. Others have measured profound changes in the human bio-field with Kirlian photography after merely sitting in the field generated by the Synchronicity Wave System®. The results have been remarkable from better sleep, improved vision, a profound sense of relaxation, increased energy, less pain, and overall better health. These are not claims but third-party testimonials.
“We know today that man is essentially a being of light. And the modern science of photobiology….is presently proving this. In terms of healing…the implications are immense. We now know, for example, that…light can initiate or arrest cascade-like reactions in the cells and that genetic, cellular damage can be virtually repaired, within hours, by faint beams of light. We are still on the threshold of fully understanding the complex relationship between light and life, but we can know that the function of our entire metabolism is dependant on light.” -Dr. Fritz Albert Popp, Biophysicist
Feeling is Believing. We have seen deep relaxation occur inside the coherent field created by the Synchronicity Wave System®. We have seen bodies wake up and begin to repair. Whatever the need, when the body receives communication from the encoded spectral light frequencies, it is being bathed in the intelligence of perfection contained in these sacred geometrical algorithms. The state of well-being begins to shift.
The cell mitochondria are re-ignited in the coherent harmonic field created by the system. It is the closest thing to the Star Trek® holodeck in existence today in that another energy realm is experienced above and beyond the “norm” that is loaded with wellness potential. Sacred design and quantum information rekindle cellular memory and awaken the light potential within. Much like in Star Wars®, “the Force” of the Source is expressed in this system and can be tangibly felt by even the biggest skeptics. Some people claim not to feel it, but the more time they spend in the system, the more they realize they have encountered something extraordinary, and most often, they feel it after all.
In the convergence zone created by this precision-installed technology, sacred geometrical fractal light energies cascade, collide, erupt, and emanate in perfect synchronicity, expanding outward Omni-radiationally creating a field that can be measured as much as one mile in circumference if the system has been running for several months. In this highly organized wave convergence field, we have observed a bio-dynamic re-calibration of the body, which is initiated as the cells receive the download information from the data encoded in the system projection matrix.
Using the principles of chaos theory from such fields of study as mathematics, physics, economics, biology, and philosophy, chaos, a state of disorder, can be swallowed up in the ocean of sacred geometrical order and other dynamic, energetic information emitted by the Synchronicity Wave System. The body is then immersed in an environment absent of chaos, which it needs to remember how to restore itself and rebuild its own bio-field—grounding while calming the body.
The Synchronicity Wave System® is a trademark of Jedi Technologies. All rights reserved.
Sessions in the Quantum Healing Lounge with Synchronicity Waves System
1 hour • $25 2 hours • $45
*Clients receiving a service may utilize the room while waiting for their treatment for free. Please come at least 15 mins early. Not available when scheduled group sessions are happening. Please call ahead to make sure space is open.

Rasha Machine
Do you need healing? We welcome you to experience the transformative power of a group RASHA machine in our Quantum Healing Room. The RASHA machine is a quantum consciousness scalar plasma and sound system technology that uses resonant frequencies to recenter your body and mind's programming. The RASHA device encourages your body to heal from physical and emotional imbalances and trauma. It harmonizes and synchronizes the autonomic nervous system by communicating to the DNA on the molecular level, in the language of the DNA, in order to facilitate cellular detoxification, emotional and trauma release, and systematic chakra alignment promoting both physical and mental health.
Our Quantum Healing Room contains the Synchronicity Wave System which is an energy wave generation projection technology that creates coherent bio-field through a dynamic system. The system emits magnified spectral light frequencies via fractal quantum algorithms, using color and light as an information carrier to help synchronize cellular function. The space within the Synchronicity Wave System charged room is flooded with a non-chaotic matrix of information containing color, light, sacred geometry, combine with intention to create an environment to help the body heal and self-regulate, calming where needed and charging where needed.
*Disclaimer: User cannot be on hallucinogenic drugs while using the Rasha.
What to expect: Participants will be comfortably sitting in recliners, gravity chairs, or futon in the room. The Rasha frequencies will be played at the same time that our Synchronicity Wave System will be running.
*There will be a different focus of healing for each daily session, please check schedule below.
Each evening session time: 6:15pm-7:30pm
Mondays- General Healing Frequencies
Tuesdays (Every other)- Epstein Barr/Lyme/HPV Frequencies
Wednesdays- Anxiety & Depression Frequencies
Thursdays- Female Health/ Menopause Frequencies
Saturdays- 10:15-11:30am- General Healing Frequencies
Saturdays- 12pm-1:15pm- Mold, Fungus, Candida, Lyme Frequencies
Sundays- 10:15-11:30am- Anxiety & Depression Frequencies
Sundays- 12pm-1:15pm- Manifesting Abundance Frequencies
75 minutes • $35
See schedule below to sign up for Group Rasha Sessions in the Quantum Healing Room